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Norwalk Havoc Robot League is a combat robotics league based in Norwalk, CT. We welcome competitors of all ages and skill sets. Our goal is to produce fun and exciting events that will garner a large internet following. You can help us grow this following by checking us out on Youtube.{{#ev:youtube|DgSOnlwycKk}}
NHRL is a combat robotics league based in Norwalk, CT. We welcome competitors of all ages and skill sets, and spectators from all around the world.

'''We invite any member of the NHRL community to edit and update this wiki!''' If you would like edit access, please email [mailto:hello@nhrl.io hello@nhrl.io] with your wiki username and let us know what kinds of edits and updates you're interested in making.

{| class="wikitable" style="width: 640px;
|'''Our next event will be on <big>[[April 5, 2025]]</big>'''.

{{Latest Video}}

== Upcoming Events ==
== Upcoming Events ==
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! Date !! Weight Classes !! Registration Link / Notes
! Date !! City !! Weight Classes !! Registration Link / Notes
|[[April 23rd 2022]]
|[[April 5, 2025]]
|Norwalk, CT
|3lb, 12lb, 12lb (Sportsman), 30lb
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|[https://form.typeform.com/to/ZQpAPJ98 Register here!]
|2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 3 - [https://stats.nhrl.io/reg/?utm_source=wiki&utm_medium=wiki_homepage&utm_campaign=wait_apr25_nor JOIN THE WAITLIST HERE]
|[[May 14th 2022]]
|[[May 3, 2025]]
|Norwalk, CT
|3lb, 12lb, 12lb (Sportsman), 30lb
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|New bots only! [https://form.typeform.com/to/ZptXRtxh Register here!]
|2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 4 - [https://stats.nhrl.io/reg/?utm_source=wiki&utm_medium=wiki_homepage&utm_campaign=reg_may25_nor ENTER THE SELECTION LOTTERY HERE]
|June 7, 2025
|July 16-17th 2022
|Norwalk, CT
|3lb, 12lb, 12lb (Sportsman), 30lb
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|2 Day Event
|2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 5
|October 4, 2025
|September 17th 2022
|Norwalk, CT
|3lb, 12lb, 12lb (Sportsman), 30lb
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 6
|November 12th 2022
|November 1, 2025
|Norwalk, CT
|3lb, 12lb, 12lb (Sportsman), 30lb
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 7
|[[December 17th 2022]]
|December 6, 2025
|Norwalk, CT
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|3lb, 12lb, 30lb
|2025 NHRL Open World Championships - The Finals - Invite only

See more about our [[Past Events|past events]] here.
[[Past Events|See more about our past events here.]]

== Spectator Tickets ==
== Watching our events ==
[https://nhrl.io/events Buy tickets here!]
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If this ticket-buying screen doesn't load for you, [https://www.simpletix.com/e/nhrl-2022-season-live-robot-combat-tournam-tickets-103480 click here to buy tickets for our April event!]

If you can't make it to an event in-person, we always stream our events in full on [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChgAZxOWR0S3Q376oAodGjQ our YouTube Channel]!
== Information About NHRL and Robot Combat ==
[[File:Studio 3.jpg|thumb|NHRL Broadcast Studio in Norwalk]]

Find out more about [[spectating]] one of our events.
=== Robot Combat at NHRL ===
* [[Combat Robotics Starter's Guide|New to combat robotics?]] Start here!
* [[Create a new bot page|Create a new page for your bot]]
* [[NHRL Event Rules|Event Rules]]
* [[NHRL Information|Event Information]]
* [[Sponsors|Learn about our Sponsors!]]
* [[Traveling to Norwalk|Traveling / Staying In Norwalk]]
* [https://norwalk-havoc-robot-league.square.site/ Purchase a Spectator Ticket]
* [[History of NHRL]]
* [[NHRL Facilities]]
* [[Bot Museum]]
**[[NHRL Building Map]]
**[https://www.google.com/maps/@41.0924907,-73.4153787,3a,75y,282.28h,54.98t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipPfC083sEfm4k2xboiT06Koda6JCK7VIrQrGI4x!2e10!3e12!7i10688!8i5344 Explore the facility in 360 degrees on Google Street View!]
**[[Cage design overview|Cage Design Overview]]

[[File:Havoc Bowl.jpg|thumb|The Havoc Bowl, where our biggest fights happen]]
=== Social Media ===
* Our YouTube channels:
** [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChgAZxOWR0S3Q376oAodGjQ Norwalk Havoc Robot League] - This is our main YouTube channel, with all livestreams, highlighted fights, and additional content, like event recaps. If you want to be notified when one of our livestreams begin, '''subscribe to this channel!'''
** [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4XyyB1ukRYNT3t4U6oUeyQ Norwalk Havoc 8 - The Ocho] - This is our secondary YouTube channel. Starting with our September event, we are uploading all individual fights here. We will eventually move all our individual fight videos from the main NHRL channel to The Ocho.
*** More info about [[the music we play]] during the stream.
* '''[[NHRL Discord|Discord]] - There is a large and growing community on our Discord server!'''
* Our [https://www.instagram.com/norwalkhavoc/ NHRL Instagram] account.
* Our [https://www.tiktok.com/@norwalkhavoc TikTok] account.
* Our [https://twitter.com/norwalkhavoc Twitter] account.
* Our [https://www.instagram.com/50daystreet/ 50 Day Street Instagram] account.

==Competing at our events==
=== Weight Classes ===
We welcome builders of all backgrounds and experience levels. Whether this is your first time building a combat robot or you're an experienced combat robotics veteran, we would love for you to join our competition!
* [[3lb Weight Class]]
* [[12lb Sportsman Weight Class]]
* [[12lb Weight Class]]
* [[30lb Weight Class]]

[[Builder Resources|We have more information and resources for builders here]].
=== Robot Building Resources ===
* [[Safety|Safety First!]]
* [[The Combat Robot Design Handbook|''The Combat Robot Design Handbook'']] by Peter Garnache, Repeat Robotics
* [[RioBotz Combot Tutorial|''RioBotz Combot Tutorial'']], by Marco Antonio Meggiolaro, RioBotz
* [[Common Robot Types|Robot Types]]
* [[Weapons]]
* [[Motors|Drive Systems]]
* [[ESC|Speed Controllers and Electronics]]
* [[Batteries]]
* [[Radios]]

== Bots ==
=== Meet Some of the Competitors ===
Here are the top bots from our December 2024 World Championships.
| '''3lb'''
| '''3lb'''
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Silent X White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Repeater.png|200px|link=Repeater]]
[[Silent X]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Polywog White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Eruption-December-2024.png|200px|link=Eruption]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Voxel White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Knucklesandwich-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Knuckle Sandwich]]
[[Knuckle Sandwich]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Mako-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Mako]]
| '''12lb'''
| '''12lb'''
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Hot Leaf Juice White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Slamplan-dec-2024.png|200px|link=SLAM PLAN]]
[[Hot Leaf Juice]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Bobby White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Minorthreat5-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Minor Threat 5]]
[[Minor Threat 5]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Pramheda White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Fullcourt-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Full Court]]
[[Full Court]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Maximizer-smaller.png|200px|link=Maximizer]]
| '''12lb Sportsman'''
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Ramplan White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:P12-Jan-2021 White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Axe E Dent White BG.jpg|200px]]
[[Axe E Dent]]
| '''30lb'''
| '''30lb'''
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Stop Hitting Yourself White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Megatron-dec-2024.png|200px|link=MegatRON]]
[[Stop Hitting Yourself]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Megatron White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Yahoo White BG.jpg|200px]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Chonkiv-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Chonkiv]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Synthesis30-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Synthesis 30]]
[[Synthesis 30]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Waddles-dec-2024.png|200px|link=Waddles!]]

=== [[Stats|Click Here to see Bot Statistics!]] ===
<big>'''[[Stats|Click here to see stats and rankings.]]'''</big>

==More about us==
=== All NHRL Competitors ===
[[Traveling to Norwalk|Here's some information about traveling to Norwalk.]]
*[[:Category:3lb Bots|All 3lb bots]]

*[[:Category:12lb Bots|All 12lb bots]]
[[History of NHRL|Here is the history of NHRL.]]
*[[:Category:30lb Bots|All 30lb bots]]

*[[:Category:NHRL 2021|All 2021 bots]]
[[Email Addresses|Here is a summary of useful email addresses.]]

==NHRL around the internet==

| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:Discord.png|50px|link=https://discord.gg/nhrl]]
| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:Email.png|50px|link=mailto:hello@nhrl.io]]
| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:Facebook.png|50px|link=https://www.facebook.com/NHRLRobotCombat]]
| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:Instagram.png|50px|link=https://www.instagram.com/nationalhavoc/]]
| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:TikTok.png|50px|link=https://www.tiktok.com/@nationalhavoc]]
| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:Twitter.png|50px|link=https://twitter.com/nationalhavoc]]
| style="text-align:center;padding:10px" | [[File:YouTube.png|50px|link=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChgAZxOWR0S3Q376oAodGjQ]]

Latest revision as of 16:00, 10 March 2025

NHRL is a combat robotics league based in Norwalk, CT. We welcome competitors of all ages and skill sets, and spectators from all around the world.

We invite any member of the NHRL community to edit and update this wiki! If you would like edit access, please email hello@nhrl.io with your wiki username and let us know what kinds of edits and updates you're interested in making.

Our next event will be on April 5, 2025.

Upcoming Events

Date City Weight Classes Registration Link / Notes
April 5, 2025 Norwalk, CT 3lb, 12lb, 30lb 2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 3 - JOIN THE WAITLIST HERE
May 3, 2025 Norwalk, CT 3lb, 12lb, 30lb 2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 4 - ENTER THE SELECTION LOTTERY HERE
June 7, 2025 Norwalk, CT 3lb, 12lb, 30lb 2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 5
October 4, 2025 Norwalk, CT 3lb, 12lb, 30lb 2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 6
November 1, 2025 Norwalk, CT 3lb, 12lb, 30lb 2025 NHRL Open World Championship - Qualifier Round 7
December 6, 2025 Norwalk, CT 3lb, 12lb, 30lb 2025 NHRL Open World Championships - The Finals - Invite only

See more about our past events here.

Watching our events

Buy tickets here!

If you can't make it to an event in-person, we always stream our events in full on our YouTube Channel!

Find out more about spectating one of our events.

The Havoc Bowl, where our biggest fights happen

Competing at our events

We welcome builders of all backgrounds and experience levels. Whether this is your first time building a combat robot or you're an experienced combat robotics veteran, we would love for you to join our competition!

We have more information and resources for builders here.


Here are the top bots from our December 2024 World Championships.




Knuckle Sandwich




Minor Threat 5

Full Court





Synthesis 30


Click here to see stats and rankings.

More about us

Here's some information about traveling to Norwalk.

Here is the history of NHRL.

Here is a summary of useful email addresses.

NHRL around the internet






