
Revision as of 00:02, 12 November 2023 by Procfu (talk | contribs) (→‎Record:)

Robot Facts:

Designer Johnny Tsoumpas
Builder/Driver Dylan Proctor
Weight Class 3lb
Body Material Carbon Fiber, UHMW
Weapon Custom AR500 Vertical Disc
Weapon Drive SunnySky X Series V3 X2216
Drive Rectified Robotics Brushless 22mm
Wheels Driven 4
Power 4s LiPo

Checkmate is a 3lb custom bot from Team Stamina. He competes alongside Spartan, Voltage, and Flying Purple People Eater. Checkmate was built in New York, Connecticut, and The Bahamas, and uses a custom 1lb vertical disc designed by Johnny from TV. Checkmate will be first introduced to NHRL at the January 20, 2024 event.

Current Condition:

Checkmate is currently in the CAD phase and custom body parts are being made.

Front view
Top view inside
Top view



  • Rank: # in 3lb.
  • Last 5 fights:
  • Current streak:
  • ( KOs/KO'd)Longest winning streak:
  • ( KOs)Longest losing streak:
  • ( KO'd)Avg fight time (seconds):


Year Events Fights W L % KOs KO'd

Event Log:

Date/Event Driver Round Reached Place Fights W L KOs KO'd