Pre-event Schedule

Revision as of 03:09, 13 August 2024 by Gilhova (talk | contribs)

Here's our schedule for the days leading up to the event. Assume that "Saturday" is the day of the event (or the first day of the event, assuming a 2-day event).

  • Friday:
    • 12 pm: Doors open for competitors. Competitors may select and set up pit tables, use our facilities, and start working on their bots. Note that the workshop may take an hour or two to open.
    • 5 pm: Bot inspection opens. Photo booths open.
    • 6 pm: Dinner for competitors, delivered to the pits.
    • 9 pm: The facility closes to competitors, including bot inspection. All competitors must leave.
  • Saturday:
    • 6 am: Doors open for competitors. Bot inspection opens. Photo booths open. Free coffee and breakfast will be available to all competitors. Please remember to take a photo of your bot at the photo booth with our equipment!
    • 8 am: Our in-person builder meeting begins in the pit area. All builders are required to attend!
    • 9 am: Fighting begins!
    • 12 pm: Lunch pre-orders are delivered to the Fight Desk in the second floor pits.
    • 6 pm: Dinner pre-orders are delivered to the Fight Desk in the second floor pits.