Non-wheeled bots
What counts as a non wheeled bot?
Choosing where to draw the line between a wheeled and non wheeled bot is always a gray area. If you looking to build something in this space, think about the spirit of the rules. The goal is promote not wheeled locomotion. The further you are from wheeled locomotion the more you are embracing the spirit of the weight bonus.
Examples of non wheeled locomotion
- Using a walking mechanism
- Using reaction wheels to cause your bot to slide across the arena
- Using vibration and feet
- Flying
- A hovercraft using air push it around
- Robots where the whole robot rolls like Shreking Ball
Examples of wheeled locomotion
- Robots with giant wheels like Starchild
- Robots with giant wheel like wheels like Wumbo
- Robots that use "wheels" with more than 4 sides
- Any robot which uses tracks for traction
The Grey Area
- Technically squares which rotate (Square Wheels) are not wheels according to NHRL. The more you make them look and act like wheels. The more they are wheels. Please think about the spirit of the rules.