This category page is for any robot made with a commercially available combat robot kit.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Kitbots"
The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.
Media in category "Kitbots"
The following 123 files are in this category, out of 123 total.
8216AD1A-9A8A-4F4A-AB17-0A6A152EED00.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.02 MB
Ackillez-removebg.png 1,298 × 1,174; 1.06 MB
Aimebot-removebg.png 1,316 × 902; 913 KB
Amalgamation-removebg.png 2,769 × 1,976; 3.14 MB
Annihilation-removebg.png 3,825 × 1,571; 3.47 MB
Basado-removebg.png 3,354 × 1,859; 3.72 MB
Battlebone.jpg 1,620 × 1,080; 201 KB
Bean Supreme.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.84 MB
Beanbuster.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.42 MB
Beansupreme-removebg.png 1,654 × 1,227; 1.18 MB
Bildr-2023-08.jpg 1,728 × 1,176; 371 KB
Bildr-Hero-Shot.jpg 3,712 × 2,475; 3.64 MB
Bildr.jpg 3,724 × 2,664; 1.14 MB
Black Adder Jan-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,733; 1.03 MB
Black Adder July-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,733; 1.15 MB
Black Adder Nov-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 1,012 KB
Black Adder-Jan 2021.jpg 3,079 × 1,746; 460 KB
Black Adder.png 3,024 × 4,032; 14.48 MB
Blackadder-removebg.png 1,278 × 908; 1.19 MB
Blackadder.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.04 MB
Blackbird Nov-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 832 KB
BlackBird Sept-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 935 KB
Blackbird-Jan 2021.jpg 4,044 × 1,672; 617 KB
Blackbird-May.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.23 MB
Blackhavoc-removebg1.png 1,762 × 1,549; 1.63 MB
Blackout november pic.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 423 KB
Boomerang-removebg.png 774 × 681; 529 KB
Buddybot (2).jpg 453 × 263; 23 KB
Cattastrophe-removebg.png 2,039 × 928; 1.7 MB
Cattastrophe2-removebg1.png 1,538 × 707; 947 KB
Chimera-removebg.png 1,295 × 1,270; 1.18 MB
Chockablock.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.21 MB
Cooper-removebg.png 3,651 × 2,738; 909 KB
Counterattack 3lb Sept22.png 1,235 × 1,326; 802 KB
Crush 3lb May23.png 4,032 × 3,024; 2.23 MB
Crush-removebg.png 2,018 × 1,546; 1.63 MB
Cybot Nov-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 985 KB
CyBot Sept-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 1.05 MB
Deathmuffin-removebg.png 2,072 × 1,351; 1.5 MB
Dimachaerus-removebg.png 2,478 × 1,126; 1.42 MB
DSC01136.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 14.94 MB
DSC01161.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 3.59 MB
DSC01258.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 17.06 MB
DSC01263.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 14.34 MB
DSC01267.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 17.16 MB
DSC01282.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 15.53 MB
DSC01290.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 14 MB
DSC01388.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 15.34 MB
DSC01396.jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 13.31 MB
Flamingfart-removebg.png 2,396 × 906; 1.97 MB
Gyration-removebg.png 1,910 × 1,308; 1.56 MB
High Noon Hoopla.png 512 × 375; 210 KB
Hyperlinx 3lb Sept22.png 1,752 × 636; 1.05 MB
IDKWTFID.png 2,648 × 1,874; 1.98 MB
IMG 0015.jpg 3,024 × 2,160; 1.2 MB
Jadekomodo-removebg1.png 902 × 787; 616 KB
Jet Lag.png 3,024 × 4,032; 10.85 MB
Jetlag 3lb Sept22.png 862 × 555; 465 KB
K1ng-removebg.png 1,540 × 1,215; 1.04 MB
Kili-2023-08.jpg 1,552 × 1,256; 315 KB
Kili-Hero-Shot.jpg 3,574 × 2,383; 2.38 MB
Kili.jpg 4,080 × 3,072; 909 KB
Lasseration-removebg.png 1,842 × 1,103; 1.64 MB
Liberation-removebg.png 766 × 577; 473 KB
Liberation-removebg1.png 1,532 × 1,427; 1.44 MB
Littlebob-removebg.png 1,985 × 747; 1.02 MB
Luma's Plow 1 Norwalk March 2021.jpg 885 × 757; 64 KB
Luma's Weed Whacker 3 (2).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 276 KB
Luma's Weed Whacker 3 NHRL November 2022.jpg 512 × 384; 47 KB
Luma's Weed Whacker 3.jpg 220 × 165; 10 KB
Luma’s Weed Whacker 3 NHRL March 2021.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.29 MB
Luma’sweedwhacker3.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.48 MB
Lunchbreak-removebg.png 1,222 × 895; 1 MB
Madtabby-removebg.png 2,313 × 862; 1.61 MB
Marvin and Walter.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.78 MB
MCB - Master Control Bot.jpg 867 × 804; 546 KB
MCB 1.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.39 MB
MCB 2.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.91 MB
MCB 3.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.43 MB
Michaeltherobot-removebg.png 1,362 × 822; 1.13 MB
Minimumviableproduct-removebg.png 2,342 × 1,685; 2.22 MB
Mondo Bizarro.jpeg 1,920 × 1,080; 226 KB
Mondo Bizzaro and Revvy Jan-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,733; 1.33 MB
Mondo Bizzaro July-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,733; 1.07 MB
Mondo Bizzaro Sept-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 910 KB
Mutation-removebg.png 991 × 691; 635 KB
NHRL 2023 JCRBPhoto DSC 1311 2023 19-02 NOV.png 2,000 × 1,333; 1.44 MB
Onna musha 1 .png 300 × 174; 66 KB
Onna-musha wiki.png 1,500 × 1,500; 928 KB
Original Marvin.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 865 KB
Osiris-3lb-may22.png 1,239 × 800; 918 KB
Power Surge II pic.png 647 × 422; 279 KB
Powersurgeii 3lb Sept22.png 1,097 × 716; 825 KB
Realsteel-removebg.png 589 × 457; 270 KB
Red Hawk.jpg 3,748 × 1,407; 412 KB
Screenshot 2023-07-30 130430.png 1,238 × 772; 664 KB
Sea Devil and Guppie Nov-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 1.13 MB
Sisyphus & The Rock.jpg 499 × 313; 27 KB
Skinner-removebg.png 792 × 601; 466 KB
Snuggle Muffin Jan-2020.jpg 4,096 × 2,733; 1.1 MB
Spartan MK3.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.86 MB
Spartan.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.52 MB
Spartan.png 4,032 × 3,024; 17.97 MB
Ssa-removebg.png 784 × 592; 400 KB
Subtraction Both Configs.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 547 KB
Terrifyingtabby-removebg.png 1,026 × 828; 754 KB
The Immortal "Crixus".png 3,992 × 2,405; 11.5 MB
Themeddlesomeswan-removebg.png 744 × 623; 517 KB
Tiefschlag 3lb Sept22.png 1,035 × 578; 666 KB
Tiefschlag July 2021.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.22 MB
Tiefschlag-removebg.png 633 × 495; 335 KB
Tiefschlag.png 2,252 × 1,515; 5.41 MB
Tomatosoup-removebg (1).png 780 × 697; 519 KB
Tomatosoup-removebg.png 2,069 × 1,208; 1.71 MB
Tsjun23.jpg 1,587 × 1,246; 106 KB
Vac0om 3lb Sept22.png 1,612 × 691; 834 KB
Walter-3lb-may22.png 2,213 × 1,481; 2.3 MB
Wilma.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 544 KB
Wreck.jpeg 2,977 × 1,494; 1.02 MB
ZZ Bot July 2021.jpg 1,443 × 1,364; 701 KB
Zzbot 3lb Sept22.png 1,087 × 622; 699 KB
Zzbot-removebg.png 807 × 559; 400 KB
Zzbot.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.91 MB