NHRL:Stats:Dumpster Count-30lb


This page shows how many times bots have finished first, second, and third in our competitions.

First place gets the coveted Golden Dumpster!

Bot 1st 2nd 3rd
Emulsifier 5 1 0
MegatRON 3 2 2
Yahoo 2 1 1
Kablooey Tango 2 0 2
Litter Box 1 1 0
Tryhard 1 1 0
Vorion 1 1 0
Stop Hitting Yourself 1 0 1
Other Disko 1 0 1
Red Storm 1 0 1
Huge 1 0 0
Moccasin 1 0 0
EVA 1 0 0
Knock Off White 1 0 0
Marathon 1 0 0
Polyester 0 3 2
Phenomenon 0 2 2
Squire 0 2 0
Touro Feather 0 1 1
Waddles! 0 1 1
Knockout 0 1 0
IRE 0 1 0
Dragon Princess 0 1 0
George 0 1 0
Sombra 0 1 0
The Other Robot 0 1 0
Colossal Avian 0 1 0
STF 0 0 2
Crushfist 0 0 1
ARES 0 0 1
Beast 0 0 1
Nitro-Oxide 0 0 1
Chibata 0 0 1
Lightside 0 0 1
Nautilus 0 0 1
SMEH 0 0 1
Asa Not Thwacker 0 0 1