KaZaA Lite


Robot Facts

Image coming soon!
Builder Joshua Rhinehart
Driver Joshua Rhinehart
Weight Class 30lb
Body Material (TBA)
Weapon Flamethrower
Weapon Drive (TBA)
Drive (TBA)
Power (TBA)



  • Rank: #26 in 30lb.
  • Last 5 fights: LWWWL
  • Current streak: L1 (0 KOs/KO'd)
  • Longest winning streak: 3 (1 KOs)
  • Longest losing streak: 1 (1 KO'd)
  • Avg fight time (seconds): 100.3


Year Events Fights W L % KOs KO'd
2024 1 5 3 2 0.600 1 1
All-Time 1 5 3 2 0.600 1 0


Date Fought as Reached Place Fights W L KOs KO'd
June 22, 2024 KaZaA Lite Semifinals 5 3 2 0 0


Opponent Fights W L KOs KO'd Last Meeting
Salad Cat 1 1 0 0 0 June 22, 2024
Floor Letter Word 1 1 0 0 0 June 22, 2024
Darth Bot 1 1 0 0 0 June 22, 2024
Anxietii 1 0 1 0 0 June 22, 2024
Mirage 1 0 1 0 0 June 22, 2024

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Full Fight History

Date Opponent Round Result By Points Fight Length (s) Video
June 22, 2024 Anxietii Qualifiers Rd. 1 Loss Tapout -1.14 9
June 22, 2024 Salad Cat Qualifiers Rd. 2 Win Forfeit 1.00
June 22, 2024 Floor Letter Word Qualifiers Rd. 3 Win Tapout 1.02 32
June 22, 2024 Darth Bot Quarterfinals Win Judges Decision 1.00 180
June 22, 2024 Mirage Semifinals Loss Judges Decision -0.50 180

* Forfeits before the 2024 season are not counted in a bot's W-L record. Forfeits from 2024 and on are counted in a bot's W-L record.

For more information on how points are calculated for rankings, click here.

Click "Expand" to see this table.

Select Fights

Video links Coming Soon!


Images coming soon!