Shipping to NHRL

Revision as of 20:19, 25 September 2023 by Gilhova (talk | contribs)

We are happy to receive your robot or robot parts ahead of the event and keep it secure until you arrive. We have a loading dock that allows us to receive LTL Shipments. Small parcels are fine too.

IMPORTANT: If you want to send us merch for us to sell, don't use the address below! Follow the instructions here instead.

Please send your robot or robot parts to the following address:

Gil Hova c/o [Your bot name]
50 Day Street
Norwalk, CT 06854

Obviously, replace [Your bot name] with the name of your bot.

Please email or contact Gil over Discord to let us know to expect your parts.

DO NOT SHIP TO 165 Water Street! Please ship to the 50 Day address above instead.