

Division is a Vertical Disk Spinner 3lb Robot.

Robot Facts

Division - August 2023

Version 3.5 (July 2023-Present)

Team Just 'Cuz Robotics
Driver Seth Schaffer
Weight Class 3lb
Body Material Solid Aluminum Billet
Weapon 7.5" Vertical Spinner
Weapon Motor Cobra 2814
Wheels 3D Printed TPU Hubs + Cast Urethane Tires
Drive DartBox Viper 6mm Motors
Power 4S Lipo & Custom Power Distribution PCB

Version 2.12 (July-November 2021)

Body Material Titanium & Aluminum with 3D Printed Mounts
Weapon 7.5" Vertical Spinner
Weapon Motor Cobra 2814
Drive Custom Brushless 1806 15:1 Gearbox
Power 4S Lipo




Year Events Fights W L % KOs KO'd
2018-19 2 7 4 3 0.571 3 3
2020 2 9 5 4 0.556 4 4
2021 3 11 5 6 0.455 5 5
2022 3 13 7 6 0.538 5 6
2023 2 7 3 4 0.429 1 2
All-Time 12 47 24 23 0.511 18 20


Date Fought as Reached Place Fights W L KOs KO'd
August 10, 2019 Division Losers 4 3 2 1 2 1
September 28, 2019 Division Losers 3 4 2 2 1 2
January 18, 2020 Division Losers 4 5 3 2 2 2
November 21, 2020 Division Losers 4 4 2 2 2 2
February 6, 2021 Division Losers 3 4 2 2 2 1
May 15, 2021 Division Losers 3 3 1 2 1 2
July 24, 2021 Division Losers 4 4 2 2 2 2
March 26, 2022 Division Elimination 2A 3 1 2 1 2
April 23, 2022 Division Elimination 7 7 5 2 3 2
July 16, 2022 Division Elimination Round 3 3 1 2 1 2
March 18, 2023 Division Boss 2 0 2 0 2
August 12, 2023 Division Bracket Round 3 5 3 2 1 0


Opponent Fights W L KOs KO'd Last Meeting
Professor Hex 2 2 0 2 0 March 26, 2022
Foiled Again 2 2 0 1 0 September 28, 2019
Fully Defined 2 1 1 1 1 April 23, 2022
Sepi01 2 0 2 0 2 July 24, 2021
Death Adder 1 1 0 1 0 September 28, 2019
Sea Devil 1 1 0 1 0 November 21, 2020
Drum Go Dum 1 1 0 1 0 November 21, 2020
Marceline 1 1 0 1 0 May 15, 2021
BX11B 1 1 0 1 0 July 24, 2021
Spine Crawler 1 1 0 1 0 July 16, 2022
Protostorm 1 1 0 1 0 January 18, 2020
Meili 1 1 0 1 0 January 18, 2020
Crossbow 1 1 0 1 0 February 6, 2021
Doom 1 1 0 1 0 February 6, 2021
WhirlWax 1 1 0 1 0 August 12, 2023
Sisyphus + The Rock 1 1 0 1 0 August 10, 2019
Sombra (3lb) 1 1 0 1 0 April 23, 2022
Lunch Break 1 1 0 1 0 April 23, 2022
Wheels Are Tasty 1 1 0 0 0 January 18, 2020
Absolute Zero 1 1 0 0 0 August 12, 2023
Dragonfruit 1 1 0 0 0 August 12, 2023
Spartan 1 1 0 0 0 April 23, 2022
Clyde 1 1 0 0 0 April 23, 2022
BDE 1 0 1 0 1 September 28, 2019
Silent Spring 1 0 1 0 1 September 28, 2019
Nitro Hornet 1 0 1 0 1 November 21, 2020
Voxel (3lb) 1 0 1 0 1 November 21, 2020
Blackbird 1 0 1 0 1 May 15, 2021
Wreckfest 1 0 1 0 1 March 26, 2022
NotDeadYet 1 0 1 0 1 March 18, 2023
Brute 1 0 1 0 1 March 18, 2023
Honeycomb 1 0 1 0 1 July 24, 2021
Voxel v;1 1 0 1 0 1 July 16, 2022
Shreddit Bro 1 0 1 0 1 July 16, 2022
Wasp 1 0 1 0 1 January 18, 2020
Tiny Huge 1 0 1 0 1 January 18, 2020
Eruption 1 0 1 0 1 February 6, 2021
Scrambler 1 0 1 0 1 August 10, 2019
Dread Hades 1 0 1 0 1 April 23, 2022
Lynx 1 0 1 0 1 April 23, 2022
Bison 1 0 1 0 0 February 6, 2021
Ratfish 1 0 1 0 0 August 12, 2023
Kili 1 0 1 0 0 August 12, 2023

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Full Fight History

Date Opponent Round Result By Points Fight Length (s) Video
August 10, 2019 Trident Winners 1 Loss Forfeit 0.00
August 10, 2019 Foiled Again Losers 1 Win KO 1.00 68 https://youtu.be/_ErE7kddM80?t=1918
August 10, 2019 Toasty Losers 2 Win Forfeit 0.00
August 10, 2019 Sisyphus + The Rock Losers 3 Win KO 1.00 42 https://youtu.be/_ErE7kddM80?t=3405
August 10, 2019 Scrambler Losers 4 Loss KO -1.11 65 https://youtu.be/_ErE7kddM80?t=4085
September 28, 2019 Foiled Again Winners 1 Win Judges Decision 1.00 180 https://youtu.be/weuEDgtspwU?t=1
September 28, 2019 Silent Spring Winners 2 Loss KO -1.00 29 https://youtu.be/KZ0kPd_L1Bw
September 28, 2019 Death Adder Losers 2 Win KO 1.00 37 https://youtu.be/7S9_Ixr36_I
September 28, 2019 BDE Losers 3 Loss KO -1.33 80 https://youtu.be/R2m5htZtq3c
January 18, 2020 Protostorm Winners 1 Win KO 1.00 22 https://youtu.be/mR3lnezxzF8?t=7488
January 18, 2020 Tiny Huge Winners 2 Loss KO -1.00 68 https://youtu.be/mR3lnezxzF8?t=11888
January 18, 2020 Wheels Are Tasty Losers 2 Win Judges Decision 1.00 240 https://youtu.be/mR3lnezxzF8?t=19535
January 18, 2020 Meili Losers 3 Win KO 1.00 65 https://youtu.be/mR3lnezxzF8?t=24883
January 18, 2020 Wasp Losers 4 Loss KO -1.00 83 https://youtu.be/mR3lnezxzF8?t=27977
November 21, 2020 Voxel (3lb) Winners 2 Loss KO -1.00 32 https://youtu.be/shBFEDnKC28
November 21, 2020 Sea Devil Losers 2 Win KO 1.00 118 https://youtu.be/CbwqE_vDBU4
November 21, 2020 Drum Go Dum Losers 3 Win KO 1.00 84 https://youtu.be/HTFb0QA8BJg
November 21, 2020 Nitro Hornet Losers 4 Loss KO -1.11 113 https://youtu.be/AlKV-lYIf5U
February 6, 2021 Pipe Bomb Winners 1 Win Forfeit 0.00
February 6, 2021 Eruption Winners 2 Loss KO -1.32 50 https://youtu.be/9Rib27rbbfc?t=5689
February 6, 2021 Doom Losers 1 Win KO 1.00 151 https://youtu.be/9Rib27rbbfc?t=14545
February 6, 2021 Crossbow Losers 2 Win KO 1.00 28 https://youtu.be/9Rib27rbbfc?t=16789
February 6, 2021 Bison Losers 3 Loss Judges Decision -1.21 180 https://youtu.be/9Rib27rbbfc?t=23849
May 15, 2021 Sepi01 Winners 2 Loss KO -1.24 32 https://youtu.be/x5Co8AkBmsQ
May 15, 2021 Hobgoblin Losers 1 Win Forfeit 0.00
May 15, 2021 Marceline Losers 2 Win KO 1.00 27 https://youtu.be/Sww-vsWSQBw
May 15, 2021 Blackbird Losers 3 Loss KO -1.00 114 https://youtu.be/TJ3-Va6kzy0
July 24, 2021 Fluffy Death Machine Winners 1 Win Forfeit 0.00
July 24, 2021 Honeycomb Winners 2 Loss KO -1.04 64 https://youtu.be/w00PthxWHOE
July 24, 2021 BX11B Losers 2 Win KO 1.00 109 https://youtu.be/db9gNOqaij4
July 24, 2021 Professor Hex Losers 3 Win KO 1.00 50 https://youtu.be/-IJooaRa5-s
July 24, 2021 Sepi01 Losers 4 Loss KO -1.12 110 https://youtu.be/FxRJfyhlsr0
March 26, 2022 Professor Hex Undefeated 1B Win KO 1.00 24 https://youtu.be/uZmq9Hl75Ts?t=7244
March 26, 2022 Fully Defined Undefeated 2 Loss KO -1.00 135 https://youtu.be/KgyKEvpO6uU?t=5220
March 26, 2022 Wreckfest Elimination 2A Loss KO -1.15 53 https://youtu.be/ayB8B9kGa6k?t=14471
April 23, 2022 Lunch Break Undefeated 1 Win KO 1.00 39 https://youtu.be/It5MpH50dvs?t=4958
April 23, 2022 Dread Hades Undefeated 2 Loss KO -1.00 78 https://youtu.be/wf528BQr0eA?t=7202
April 23, 2022 Clyde Elimination 2 Win Judges Decision 1.06 180 https://youtu.be/LmS-A1QhbRc?t=10516
April 23, 2022 Sombra (3lb) Elimination 3 Win KO 1.08 69 https://youtu.be/wf528BQr0eA?t=19208
April 23, 2022 Drum Go Dum Elimination 4 Win Forfeit 0.00
April 23, 2022 Fully Defined Elimination 5 Win KO 1.16 15 https://youtu.be/wf528BQr0eA?t=26935
April 23, 2022 Spartan Elimination 6 Win Judges Decision 1.07 180 https://youtu.be/wf528BQr0eA?t=30400
April 23, 2022 Lynx Elimination 7 Loss KO -1.00 36 https://youtu.be/wf528BQr0eA?t=34810
July 16, 2022 Voxel v;1 Undefeated Round 2 Loss KO -1.28 85 https://youtu.be/Y7ICJDeDdfY?t=5996
July 16, 2022 Spine Crawler Elimination Round 1 Win KO 1.00 75 https://youtu.be/Y7ICJDeDdfY?t=11094
July 16, 2022 Skitter Elimination Round 2 Win Forfeit 0.00
July 16, 2022 Shreddit Bro Elimination Round 3 Loss KO -1.00 93 https://youtu.be/p76hqdy44QU?t=20895
March 18, 2023 Brute Round 2 Loss KO -1.13 17 https://youtu.be/oTohTyfcm5A?t=5870
March 18, 2023 NotDeadYet Boss Loss KO -1.00 66 https://youtu.be/gdrBzzkFkVg
August 12, 2023 Ratfish Qualifier Round 1 Loss Judges Decision -1.14 180 https://www.youtube.com/live/nAXvrZdnceQ?feature=share&t=2580
August 12, 2023 WhirlWax Qualifier Round 2 Win KO 1.00 26 https://youtu.be/Y9twilXzDpA?t=5808
August 12, 2023 Absolute Zero Bracket Round 1 Win Judges Decision 1.18 180 https://youtu.be/IMD6ArOMrPY?t=16925
August 12, 2023 Dragonfruit Bracket Round 2 Win Judges Decision 1.00 180 https://youtu.be/IMD6ArOMrPY?t=24805
August 12, 2023 Kili Bracket Round 3 Loss Judges Decision -1.00 180 https://youtu.be/4OYtS0Qtngw?t=29720

* Forfeits before the 2024 season are not counted in a bot's W-L record. Forfeits from 2024 and on are counted in a bot's W-L record.

For more information on how points are calculated for rankings, click here.

Click "Expand" to see this table.

Version 3.5 (July 2023 Redesign)

With the overall solid performance of Division's weapon system in 2022 but disappointing durability in 2023, a bunch of minor tweaks have been implemented in 2023. While there were few before May 2023, after both Labor Day Disarray in November 2022 and the March NHRL event, the Drivetrain was really struggling to hold up to modern horizonal spinners. The drivetrain now uses Just 'Cuz Robotics own DartBox drive brushed motors with AM32 brushed firmware ESCs. The weapon system was also updated slightly with AM32 firmware on the weapon ESC to improve startup torque and reliability.

Version 3 (2022 Redesign)

Division was always a mean robot to fight, but its explosive power proved to be its own downfall only a little less than half the time. With the V2.X archetype, repairs and maintenance were cumbersome, and with many retrofitted components taking the place of prior ones, the whole structure was really problematic in the end. At the end of 2021 it was retired officially, and a brand new from scratch redesign effort began,

Division V3 Drivetrain - This consists of a 3D printed Nylon motor mount, a 1/4" steel shoulder bolt dead axel, and nearly indestructible TPU hubs and Urethane tires.
Division V3 Drivetrain - Custom pinion gear on a Xing 2306 1700kV motor, driving a 3D printed Nylon spur gear coupled to a 3D printed TPU hub with an overmolded Urethane tire

The emphasis for Version 3.0 was reliability and reparability. The weapon motor, weapon ESC, drive ESCs, and weapons themselves are the only parts carried over into V3.0. The drive system was entirely overhauled and replaced with a system first prototyped on the control bot Shrapnel Mine (pictured). Shrapnel Mine proved the system could work, and it was able to survive hits far better than any foam wheels with metal hubs ever could. This design is intended to accomplish several things:

  1. The TPU wheels should survive multiple huge impacts without losing functionality, and absorb shock well
  2. The dead axel should never bend or break without other elements failing spectacularly first
  3. The single stage reduction is far lighter than a planetary gearbox, way cheaper, and more robust
  4. Custom molded 30A urethane tires have superior grip to foam wheels and most Banebots wheels
  5. More than 4X the drive power of even Fingertech Mega Sparks on 4S
  6. Every part can be easily serviced in minutes
This chassis part weighs about 6.5 ounces and is milled from a single 4lb solid block of 6061 Aluminum
Shrapnel Mine is a control bot with an articulating saw arm, but unlike other saw robots, the saw arm articulates along with a hinged par of front forks, with the intent to get under opponents, pin them against a wall, and saw into the undersides.
Shrapnel Mine (3lb) from Team Just 'Cuz Robotics

Another extremely huge experiment was with the chassis. In order to reduce the overall part count and fastener count while maintaining as much rigidity as possible for a given weight, a solid single part aluminum chassis was designed to be milled from a single block of metal. This chassis has numerous advantages compared to the prior structure.

  1. 1 Piece Construction, saving about 30 screws
  2. Much more rigid and less likely to permanently bend than prior baseplate
  3. Cost is only ~$22 of metal, outsourcing for about $62 each with sponsorship
  4. Upright mounting is vastly improved, and much better constrained square to the baseplate
  5. Uprights no longer need to be drilled and end tapped, and are now purely 2D lasercut parts
  6. Far greater design freedom with 3D vs 2D construction
  7. Far greater overall stiffness
  8. Solid single part metal connections, way stronger than Nylon printed parts and screws which frequently failed
  9. Integrated top panel screw holes, avoiding headaches with threaded standoffs in prior versions
  10. Rear threaded holes allow for modularity with future rear attachments

And many more!

Division V3.0 first entered the March 2022 tournament which exposed a few design flaws and sub optimal material choices. However, it worked as a proof of concept to show there was potential if the billet chassis were better protected. The weapon reliability was very good.

Division V3.1 fought in April with an added TPU rear protector, larger battery, and more durable drive mounts, and this proved extremely competitive with a 6-2 showing, beating several tough opponents (Sombra, Clyde, Spartan X, and Fully Defined). Still, the final fight with Lynx showed there were obvious areas for improvement with the drive system.

Division V3.2 was upgraded with even more durable Polypropylene drive mounts and rear armor, as well as a design change to the drive mount design to make it more easily serviced and more consistent to handle. This was also a test for a new tire molding compound that would adhere to the hubs much better, which while true, also wore down substantially after a few fights. Once again, Division lost to extremely competitive beater bar bots, but in four grudge matches it showed its true potential with dominant showings across the board. The reliability of the bot as a whole is very good, but there is still room for improvement.

Division V3.2 went on to compete at an event called Labor Day Disarray on September 3rd, 2022. Division had a great run at this event with 4 wins. Division beat May NHRL champion bot Crashfest twice, ultimately losing out to Caldera to earn a 2nd place podium spot, and winning the Most Destructive Bot award. Caldera was responsible for both of Division's losses at this event.

Notable Facts

Division stores about 700 joules of kinetic energy in its various weapons with tip speeds approaching 235mph max. However, due to the gyroscopic forces created at top speed and the loss of bite at high RPM, Seth constantly modulates the speed of the weapon while driving to ensure turning is manageable and the hits delivered are biggest when the opportunity arises.

As of 2022, Division has five interchangeable AR500 weapons, but the asymmetric Cutter Blade is the current favorite, having the ability to survive horizontal spinner hits and cut through soft plastic and aluminum armor with ease. Each weapon is roughly 200-255 grams. Fights with Division very rarely make it the full three minutes - it is designed to end fights fast and decisively.

Division V2.12 in 2021 had been rebuilt many times since Version 2.0, but only gotten a ground up redesign between 1.0 and 2.0. Since V2.0, the drivetrain and weapon system have both changed drastically, the armor package has moved from entirely aluminum to mostly titanium, and the entire system voltage was raised. Only the exterior resembled what it was back in 2019. It was sold off at the end of 2021 to fund a brand new build for Division V3.0 in 2022

Combat History

V2.7-V2.12 (2021)

Division lived on to fight through many tournaments both in and out of Norwalk. General reliability improvements to the weapon system were made using a DYS Aria 70A BlHelo32 weapon ESC with conservative programming, a Cobra 2814 1850kV weapon motor with a beefy 5mm shaft, and clamping pullies that slipped on the motor shaft to prevent shock loads from ruining the motors. This last change p[roved to be extremely problematic, however. Toward the end of its combat career, Division V2.X had at least four instances where the pulley axially slid down the motor shaft until it came in contact with Division's own weapon, tearing the motor loose from its mounting. The first time the motor came loose was against Eruption in Division's first fight ever using the Cobra motors. At Division V2.12's final tournament, it was given a brutal sendoff by fighting against more than 9 opponents at once in a rumble, knocking five out, losing its weapon motor entirely in the fray, before falling on its back, unable to self right, just 20 seconds from the end of the match.

V1.0, V2+ (2020)

Division V1.0 first competed at Norwalk Havoc in August 2019 with a blue color scheme. After that, with wins over multibot Sisyphus and The Rock, and Foiled Again, but losses to Trident and Scrambler, the design was completely overhauled for a V2. Division has continually been iterated after every competition. V2.0 competed at Norwalk Havoc in September 2019, and then upgraded versions competed at the Franklin Institute, SWORD Fall 2019, Norwalk in January 2020, and Motorama in February 2020 with version 2.7. In every competition besides Franklin Institute where Division went 0-2, it has had a record of at least 2-2 or better.

Since Motorama (February 2020), the drive was upgraded to a fully custom brushless solution, the rear armor was upgraded, and Carbon-Fiber Nylon or TPU 3D prints were added in place of some plain Nylon parts from past versions. The weapon ESC was upped from 50A to 70A-80A, and the battery was larger as well.

In the November 2020 NHRL Tournament, Division did not perform exactly as expected, although still achieving a 2-2 record against incredibly tough opponents. Many changes which were tested over and over again before the tournament and seemed perfectly reliable, failed unexpectedly and early in fights. Weapon reliability was the main issue as it broke in several ways in different fights. In the end the most repeated issue came down to the weapon motor vibrating itself loose, allowing it to slip in belt tensioning slots from its ideal position. The slack in the belt meant that the weapon spun up fine with little resistance, but lacked the torque to self right like it had proven to do in testing. While the robot suffered little to no real damage in the fights it lost, it was unable to get back onto its wheels and keep driving. The custom brushless drive and 3D printed wheel hubs, however, performed amazingly well, and the drive never failed, even with the wheels taking direct hits in three separate fights.

Select Fights